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Chickpeas Flour

General Info

Chickpeas (Cicer arietinum) are a legume of the Fabaceae family, one of the earliest cultivated vegetables, widespread in India and the Mediterranean. It is a herbaceous plant, about 50 cm tall with white flowers that develop a pod with 2 or 3 peas inside. It is an annual crop.

Chickpeas are a helpful source of zinc, folate and protein. They are also very high in dietary fiber and hence a healthy source of carbohydrates for persons with insulin sensitivity or diabetes. Chickpeas are low in fat and most of it is polyunsaturated. Chickpeas also provide dietary calcium , with some sources citing the garbanzo’s calcium content as about the same as yogurt and close to milk. Besides calcium, it is high in minerals such as: phosphorous, magnesium, iron, and zinc.

Chickpea flour is obtained from ground raw chickpea.

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